
November - beginning of the month


Listening to: not Christmas music yet ... Scott has told me its far too early but our negotiations (successful on my part, big fail on his) means I get to crank them out on the 10th November! Can't wait to break out Mariah, Buble and of course Disney with some Bing and Human Nature thrown in for good measure. Who are your Christmas music picks?
Reading: I'm not reading anything yet but planning to get started on Dan Brown's Inferno. I quite like his Robert Langdon series. I'm also desperately hoping Mary Higgins Clark has a new book in time for my Christmas holidays. I just can't get enough of her writing and have been a fan since I was all of 14. Unfortunately I can't find anything on the internet about new releases :(
Planning: Its the most wonderful time of the year - we're heading in to Christmas! This means I am planning presents and wrapping (even though I've already bought for everyone), decorations  (including how to maximise Christmas coverage at home without risk of destruction from the toddler), when to have family Santa pics, Christmas breakfast menu hosted at yours truly's home, S' birthday celebrations (December baby) and of course, what to pack for our Christmas holidays - we depart Christmas Day afternoon for two weeks of sun and relaxation and drinking games (not for me this year) and not much else.
Eating: I'm loving frozen fruit - Coles pineapple sticks and Sara lee's tropical mix are staples - and pizza! At least one is healthy. Today I also snuck in a chocolate tart comprising of chocolate, cream, some mini m & ms and a tart shell ... thank goodness for a baby bump to disguise those calories. Strangely, I'm not a  big traditional Christmas snacks eater ... I love Christmas lunch foods but I'm not into plum pudding, fruit cake, fruit mince pies, panettone or any of the above but I will soon be eating some of our family 'traditional' Christmas snacks including 'nuts & bolts. Heard of it? A mix of curry powder, nutri grain, nuts, powdered soup mix and oil, its a strange one but delicious for those who love salty goodness and we go through kilos of the stuff. Let me know if you want me to share our recipe here.
Loving: That we are one month closer to Christmas! I'm also loving that most people are starting to realise that and the mood is a little brighter, a little happier and a little friendlier. Everyone i happy because the sun is shining and holidays are coming. I'm also loving my little guy ... every day he blows my mind with how much he has learnt and just how clever he is compared with the day before. He's going to make the greatest big brother and I'm so excited our family of 3 will become 4 in 2014.

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