
Monthly update: 17 months


Age: 17 Months

Stats: unfortunately we had E in hospital last week with a nasty case of croup so he was weighed for medication so we know he is sitting at 12.2kg.

Clothes: still a shorty with a little waist, he is wearing size 0 bottoms and starting into the 18-24m/size 2 t-shirts to cover that little belly..

Favorite Foods: Ethan's been a bit off his food lately but he is still loving a few things including homemade chicken & veg sausage rolls, 'tanas, the ever favourite blueberries and squeezy yoghurts.

Favorite Words: mummy ... and its always in the context of 'mummy come here/sit/do this'.'Helicop' for helicopter is the other big one and 'truck' whenever we are out and about. The other word on repeat is 'more' when he finishes eating something he likes and its always delivered with a cheeky little smile that melts me.

Favorite Activities: anything outdoors is a hit but throw in some water and he's in heaven so we spend lots of time in the yard under the tap, playing with buckets and the water table. He also loves bouncing on the trampoline and even just watching the neighbour's children bounce so Scott has decided that means he needs his own trampoline for Christmas.

Least Favorite Activities: eating is one of his least favourite things at the moment sadly and takes lots of coaxing and distracting other than that, we haveit pretty easy at the moment touch wood.

His Favorite Things: books continue as a favourite much to my delight and particularly the Mighty Movers book series (all about trucks of course). He also loves his wooden Kaper Kidz toy trucks and likes to 'brmmm brmmm' them all around the house. The Wiggles ... he just loves the music... as in gets up to dance and claps whenever it comes on. The Christmas tree, lights and associated decorations ... he loves looking at them and is surprisingly not too destructive when it comes to the tree, only pulling off the occasional bauble for closer inspection.

Untitled #16My Favorite Things: Little People nativity set... its gorgeous and as detailed as my Royal Doulton one but more importantly, E loves playing with it and rearranging the figures so I look forward to sharing its meaning with him each year as he grows. Sooki Baby boys clothes... despite pretty poor customer service, I love the funky prints and the quality of the boys stuff so most of E's next Summer wardrobe is made up of Sooki I got for 50% off or more. The Lion King Disney movie... we watch it ( E watches and I listen) in the car and I had forgotten just how beautiful the score is so while E is enthralled by the animals, I love to sing along.

Signature Moves: blowing kisses with the 'mwah' sound effect and hand signing for 'I love you' that melts my heart every single time.

Mom's Proudest Moment:  cuddling with E before bed holding his sippy cup of milk and I hadn't sealed the lid properly ... next minute, poor kid was covered in milk.

Dad's Proudest Moment: desperately excited to give E his first taste of chocolate custard and positive he'd love it, Scott did a huge build up and after 2 or 3 spoonfuls, E was over it. Scott was crushed.

Other Milestones: fully weaned is our biggest milestone ... from being the ultimate booby baby, E is settling easily for Scott at night with no more breast feeding. I loved being able to bf him but I had definitely tired on the demands since becoming pregnant and it was difficult for Scott as E just wouldn't settle without me. Our boy is now consistently sleeping through the night and I admit, its nice to have a break before B2 arrives.

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