
Pregnancy update: 19 weeks


How far along? 19 
weeks already ... It feels like this pregnancy us zipping by so far.

Maternity clothes? No mat wear worn this week just my stretchier wardrobe options

Stretchmarks? None so far.

Symptoms: I picked up a nasty bout of gastro this week that literally zapped every resource from me so the tiredness is tenfold now,

Sleep: solid apart from the peak of my gastro that saw me sleeping on the bathroom floor and sitting in the shower at 2am.

Miss Anything? You guessed it, I'd love a glass of sav blanc or Chandon right now! 'Tis the season to be merry and I'm missing out wahhhhh

Movement: busy wriggling babe whenever we get one of Es full blown tantrums... Hoping it doesn't mean I can expect two against mumma in future.

Best moment this week: family dinner with my family and the children's present opening was so much fun - we will be with my family at Christmas but we are having it away this year so saved ourselves the hassle of lugging the gifts around. E received an enormous haul of very well chosen gifts that have already got plenty of use and watching the joy the gift opening gave E and our nieces was beautiful. 

I also have to throw in another highlight for me was S putting my favourite girl's name back on the table for consideration after years of telling me no way never! He has one small stipulation which may or may not end up being a deal breaker for me but I'm happy the option is there.

Food cravings: I can barely look at food still after being so sick ... Can't wait to get my appetite back.

Anything making you queasy or sick: ummmm gastro!

Have you started to show yet: absolutely there is a bump!

Belly Button in or out? In still but given the tenderness around it, I'm wondering if it might just pop this time.

Happy or Moody most of the time: very definitely happy! 

Looking forward to:  so much! Our 20w scan tomorrow, Christmas Eve celebrations and then the big day itself followed by weeks of blissful holidays with family and friends. Life is so very very good!

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