
Pregnancy Update: 17 weeks


How far along? 17 weeks

Maternity clothes? Mostly just my regular wardrobe, especially my shirred waist shorts and jersey maxi dresses as its been hot here.

Stretchmarks? No.

Symptoms: Sick from a cold that just won't go and has left me stuffy, snotty, tired and all around pretty average... but great otherwise.

Sleep: tired tired tired and still with those wacky dreams that leave strange bruises on me.

Miss Anything? Oh how I'd love some cold and flu tablets ... or a glass of wine after the long long days in what I aptly heard described as Toddler Town. Our TT is complete with nap refusal and all out tantys making that wine even more sought after.

Movement: definite movements that even Scott was able to feel. It still blows my mind every time.

Best moment this week: Christmas Carols with my boys, my sis and her family.

Food cravings: none this week ... my appetite has dived and I barely feel like eating.

Anything making you queasy or sick: just red meat but that's not surprising as I don't love it ordinarily anyway.

Have you started to show yet: there is a definite bump and I feel big for 17 weeks but I'm told that's normal the second time around.

Belly Button in or out? Its in!

Happy or Moody most of the time: like last week, I'm happy, very happy that its Christmas and I have my beautiful boy and family. I'm still been making a conscious effort to draw on patience and let go of anything causing me stress or upset.

Looking forward to:  Scott's birthday this weekend which means dinner out with some of our favourite people and White Christmas at Movieworld on Sunday night. Also, the 20 week scan on Christmas Eve and waiting on the final gifts to arrive so I can finish my Christmas wrapping.

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  1. I can't believe you are 17 weeks! Where has the time gone! So exciting!!!


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