
Monthly update: 14 months


Age: 14 Months

Stats: we actually had him weighed last week and he has dropped slightly to 11kgs in weight (only a 320g drop) which I would say comes from how active he is now and I can tell he's a little taller as his size 0 tops are too short to cover his belly now.

Clothes: my baby is in size 1 and/or 12-18 month clothes. I just sorted his wardrobe out AGAIN as the weather is warming up so much here and removed all the size 0s and added his new Summer wardrobe to the mix.

Favorite Foods: the biggest hits are still cheese and blueberries but other favourites include homemade cheese & vegemite twists, nah nah nah nahs (bananas), grapes and yoghurt ... he especially goes crazy for the squeezy packs.

Favorite Words: Gah gah gah gah ... rising in volume with each gah = ta/please/give me. Bye-bye is said to everyone when he is ready to leave somewhere, walking out of a room to his toys or wants someone to leave ... cheeky boy. Dadadadada is also the other big one here this month... it took him forever to say it and then rarely used so Scott is lapping up it all this month. Lots of sounds happening too - growling at lion/tiger toys, car/motorbike sounds, meowing for cats and barking/woof woof for dogs. Imitation and mimicking too has started so S has been put on notice to watch his language and choice of words.

Favorite Activities: diving onto soft things whether it be a pile of pillows, a doona, the lounge cushions or washing I'm sorting - he throws himself at it and looks up giggling and grinning. Swings at the park are also a big hit and he grins like crazy, throwing his head back. Dancing and music are still number one though and we now say 'dance' and he starts moving about the place or does the actions to Dr Knickbocker and Galumph Went the Little Green Frog - my mum takes him to Rhyme Time on Wednesdays and he is in heaven.

Least Favorite Activities: having the remotes/phone etc taken off him and mummy not picking him up RIGHT NOW. These both lead to all out tantrums including throwing himself on the floor or running off to hide in his tent.

His Favorite Things: his Fisher Price drum set - he sits and plays for ages with it, Fisher Price red wagon & peek a blocks, books still - anything with lift up flaps and trucks/vehicles, puzzles although he has no idea where the pieces go he tries to fit them of just likes tipping them up, CAT shape sorter truck - he loves dumping the toys out of the tray, jumbo talking Elmo - he cuddles it when it says 'You're Elmo's best friend'.

My Favorite Things: Boon feeding pieces - catcha bowl & plate, fluid bottle and utensils. Quackers strawberry crackers and sultanas - perfect snacks for on the go and E loves them. Love to Dream Inventa sleeping bag - perfect weight for night temps here and adjustable vents mean it will still work leading into warmer weather. Skip Hop whale kneeler - I thought this was a silly overdoing it product but picked it up on sale for $5 and its the best $5 spent in a while as it saves mine & S' knees on a nightly basis for bath time. Playschool music CDs -  E loves any and all music and I love remembering all the old ones my mum sung to me and singing them to him.

Signature Moves: Royal waving - seriously, he has the wrist action down pat and is very regal. His run - it involves a waddle and a hand waving all at once.

Mom's Proudest Moment:  taking him to the park to play, he tripped and looked fine then opened his mouth to scream and out came the pour of blood - he put his teeth through his lip. I was more upset than him in the end.

Dad's Proudest Moment: Scott was getting E ready for bed and E reached up & leaned in to give him a kiss at the same time Scott whipped his head around ... big headbutt followed by screams and tears. Scott felt awful

Other Milestones: walking down the stairs like a big boy - no more backwards for him, figuring out going forwards on his ride on truck, walking backwards - this is super cute as he does it with his red wagon that plays music and he walks backwards and forwards to the music. 

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