
Monthly update: 12 months


Only 12 months late but I'm starting a Monthly Favourites post so I can track my E updates as he grows... here is the 12 month Monthly Favourites (maybe I will be a little bit more on to it with baby #2):

Age: 12 Months

Stats: 10.22kg and 78cms

Clothes: Wearing size 6-12 months mostly and some 12-18 month stuff thrown in although I still have to roll up the legs on his 6-12m pants as they're all pretty long and I'm noticing some of the smaller make tees are getting a little short covering his belly.

Favorite Foods: Grapes, porridge with mashed banana, pears, fish

Favorite Words: mum mum mum, gog (dog), doca-doca-dil (crocodile for his bath toy), bub bub bub and yay (imitation of us).

Favorite Activities: singing with actions - Heads & Shoulders, Dr Knickbocker, Open Shut Them, chasing - us chase him or vice versa - while he giggles hysterically, seesaws and ride on wagons or being pushed on his trike, helping with handyman activities - walks around with his hammer after my dad, reading stories, swimming lessons - loves to throw himself off the step, random growling... especially at his Skip Hop Lion set.

Least Favorite Activities: Having his nose or face wiped and nappy changes are hit & miss but distraction with a non toy item helps.

His Favorite Things: His Hungry Caterpillar rocker, John Deere rider, Fisher Price shape sorter, F&P roll-arounds and peek-a-blocks, Captain Calamari, Aladdin on his portable dvd player in the car, On the night you were born book, wooden maracas  

My Favorite Things: Clarke's First Shoes - so easy to get on and off plus nice and sturdy for little feet, the Tupperware drawer - provides entertainment so I can prep dinner, Oricom video monitor - a late purchase but I love being able to watch him or check on him so easily, Skip Hop Lion lunchie & backpack - super cute and very practical (he also has the monkey one as Scott liked it best), Tiny me labels - all of E's things need labelling for daycare so I ordered these last week in the British pattern with rush delivery and they were here by Monday (very impressive), my Bugaboo Cameleon - I still love this pram as much as they day I bought it and even better, E is liking it more and more... lightweight, easy & compact to store and shop with, stylish.

Signature Moves: Fake laughing - much to my sister in law's delight, high fives, open shut them song actions, uh uh-ing daddy and the cat across the road, clapping when happy, dancing/swaggering to any and all music.

Mom's Proudest Moment: having him perk up and bop along to Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines like a pro - too much tv in our house clearly. 

Dad's Proudest Moment: tba

Other Milestones: Mastering the shape sorter - a 5 minute demo led to him doing it himself in about 10 minutes although the star still gives him grief and causes a pretty spectacular tanty at times.

He is starting to understand what we tell him like when I say 'let's go downstairs' he heads over to the stairs and waits at the gate . Its just amazing to see his comprehension with his little mind ticking over as he thinks it all through.

He is a brilliant walker - very steady and swaggers around clapping hands or waving. He's got a little bit of a run on him too.

He starts daycare for one day a week this week! At his orientation, he wasn't interested in us at all and wanted to hug all the other babies and play with them. Such a social butterfly.

ADDING ... my husband found the most clever way of ensuring our Tupperware drawer doesn't close on little fingers ... he popped the rolling pin long ways behind the drawer so it cant slide closed! Brilliant isn't he!

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