
What a weekend


Welcome to the new blog and thank you for reading.

Life is impossibly perfect right now ... Particularly after a long weekend with my little guy and the glorious end to Winter that Mother Nature turned on for us.

We were busy but not crazily so, leaving lots of time for backyard water play, playground visits with granddad, a morning tea meet with a cousin, lots of mummy cuddles, cruising' the neighbourhood, riding merry-go-rounds, baking fresh bread rolls (love my Kitchenaid), drawing on Father's Day cards, wrapping presents and celebrating a very special "dada" and two pretty fantastic Granddad's too.

We are in the middle of a Wonder Week right now so don't get me wrong, there were plenty of irrational full blown tantrums and similar but even they couldn't cloud the sunniness of my charming little boy... When he is 'on', he is really really 'on'!

It wasn't all about the boy though, S and I enjoyed a movie night complete with popcorn and the new release, Now You See Me. It was a fantastic movie and I loved the illusionist concept. It was fast paced and required a bit of concentration as it jumped around but it was definitely the kind I love to watch. S meantime is still not sure if he liked it and thinks he will watch it again. He's usually the family movie buff but he found this one a little hard to follow, particularly with one scene that flashed a few times. I would definitely recommend this one though as some thing different to every other movie out there.

S had to work on Sunday sadly but we managed to squeeze in an early breakfast with his parents and then hosted my dad and siblings for a BBQ dinner... Where I presented S' delicious new specialty salad - haloumi, pomegranate and fennel. It was a big hit and of course I forgot to take a picture! It was a bit sad not to have S around all day on Father's Day but he and the boy are hanging out all today and we will make up for it soon with a family day at one of the local theme parks.

I managed to get some household things done too including framing and arranging some photos of Ethan and his cousins, sorting through the 'stored' items in the spare room, adding a few decorators touches around the place and getting rid of S' clutter everywhere (does anyone else's husband leave odds and ends on the bench, shelves, tv cabinet, dining table ...? Drives me mad). I was also happy to finally had some of my favourite photos of Ethan and of our little family printed to fill some empty frames.

Pottering about over the weekend, I identified the need for a few home pieces to fill some gaps including a chair of some sort in our bedroom ... something low and well cushioned without arms, a caddy for our dining table to hold, an entrance stand ... something high and slim with a little storage,  a mirror to go above the entrance stand and also a full length mirror for our walk in robe. Any suggestions?

Lastly, I have to share this photo of my littlest niece - her first ponytail. Isn't she the cutest!

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