
Christmas shopping for the bebes - Did you know, its only 14 Saturdays until Christmas?!?


I know, when did the festive season go and sneak up n us like that?

Thankfully, I've done it again ... completed my Christmas shopping for E and the nieces already - and its only September! I'm on a roll from last year I guess and its so nice to have it out of the way which leaves only my parents, Scott and his parents to buy for - talk about easy!

E is getting so far ... I say so far as Scott is a notorious Christmas shopper and keeps going right up till Christmas eve:

The table and chair set is practical as he will be at about the age to sit at his own little table for drawing and eating come Christmas while the Little People set he has is a hit now and I think will be more so at 18 months. The Fridge Phonics set is a great learning toy that goes on the fridge and helps with alphabet and letter sounds - unfortunately Leap Frog have discontinued the set but I picked this one up new in the box on eBay. Scott is obsessed with being able to 'shoot hoops' with E as he gets bigger so tells me the Little Tikes hoop is a necessity. E loves music and instruments so the B. Parum drum/instrument set is going to be a big hit with him I know for sure. The books are all Mem Fox because let's face it, she has some wonderful stories with great sentiment that we can read over and over. The only left to add is some fun pieces for his stocking as far as I'm concerned - what are some good options on this for an 18 month old? I am liking the idea of a children's electric toothbrush... thoughts?

Gifts for the nieces - I won't tell you who is getting what to keep some mystery in case anyone stumbles across this:

These are the main gifts for the girls but no doubt I will come across a few odds and ends between now and Christmas to add to the lot... things like DVDs, books and stocking stuffers.

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