


Its been a crazy time lately with my nesting instincts and control freak desires all conspiring to make me feel disorganised with an all consuming urge to clean, organise, declutter, prepare... you get the idea. That's fine of course but throw in full time work, a strong willed toddler and a husband who works weekends and you have a recipe for chaos right there.

Over the weekend, my time for getting household chores and errands done, E was at his most uncooperative of course. We started Saturday with a trip to Target for their one day sale with my mum (Grammy) and my niece Hayley. I took the Donkey to restrain the pair of toddlers and mum and I set off in high spirits. Fast forward 45 minutes later and the toddlers are carrying on like you wouldn't believe, I couldn't pick up or look at a single item and was the recipient of sympathetic looks everywhere - everyone just assumes E and my niece are twins. I did what any other pregnant mother already juggling 2 under 2 would do ... I left mum browsing racks and hightailed it to the nearest cafe for milkshakes to stop the screeching. To my absolute utter delight, the cafe had a back raised playroom with only one entry point so I set the munchkins loose, parked myself at the doorway and let them go until mum finished and we headed home - I was in no mood to shop by this point. After such a 'fun' morning we headed home for naptime (I should have napped but spent the time baking bread instead) and stayed in for the afternoon to play and enjoy the air conditioning rather than the freakishly humid temps outside. I admit, the morning took all my energy and patience so it was better for us both to stay home.

Sunday was a little lot more fun for us both with an outing much better suited to an active toddler. We met a friend of mine and her two boys at the rockpools for a play, swim and morning tea after. E was in heaven running around, splashing, investigating and having fun ... which meant I had a blast too and enjoyed some adult conversation.

Here are some pics of our adventures lately:

Cuddles with Grandpa

Brekky with my boys - this was amazing!
Just chillin' like a teenager
Helping with the household chores aka child labour

New kicks - Ltd Edition Batman Converse

Testing out the new wheels with cousin Lillee

Seal show at Seaworld with daddy

Visiting Grammy in hospital and into everything with his number 1 partner in crime

Fresh bread made in the Thermie for lunch

Rare treats with mummy - I may have eaten most of this cupcake

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