2 under 2

Monthly update: 24 months

The last in my monthly update series of E now that he's a big boy at 2! Stats & clothes:  Size 2 and finally it's cold enough to break out his winter wardrobe although not quite the puffers and vests yet. It is however already time for another pair of shoes! The size 2 pants are still big around his skinny waist but the...


2 boys

E Turns 2

So as usual, my plans for a small celebration went out the window and E's second birthday became an extravaganza of Toy Story fun. It can't be helped really with a big family who live locally and lots of family friends we've grown up with nearby so rather than risk offending anyone, we went with 'the more the merrier.' Given Es long running...


2 boys

2 under 2 - life lately

I am officially THAT mother... You know, the one who dresses her children in matching outfits. I figure I've only got limited time on this so I might as well have some fun with it. My sister tells me it's a form of cruelty but I enjoyed the Country Road sale and the boys now also have matching printed board shirts for summer...



It's sales time

The Country Road sale of course was on last week but perhaps luckily for S, I wasn't able to get in store to browse initially. There wasn't much I wanted from looking online and definitely not much I needed to add to my stay at home mumma wardrobe as well if I'm entirely honest. The only item I have noticed posing a big...


2 under 2

Monthly update: 1 month old Charley Bear

Age:  1 month old! I swear it went by in the blink of an eye. Stats:  4.6kg but not sure on length. You have put on around 1kg since birth and are thriving despite your illness and hospital stay. Clothes:  size 0000 but we've noticed some onesies getting a little too short length wise so have started using 000 wonder suits - nothing...


children's critical care unit

Charley Bear - 4 week old you

When I was planning your 4 week old photograph, I never expected it would be in Intensive Care. With your big brother and I both being snotty and having a 'naughty cough', I figured it was inevitable that you too would experience a bit of a cold. You had been a bit snuffly early in the week so I had the vaporizer going...


fashion parade

Weekend fun

I always laugh and identify with the e-card that says 'woohoo it's Friday! Oh wait, I'm a mum' because weekends just aren't what they used to be... not even close. In a lot of ways, they're so much better because I have two amazing little boys to share them with but let's face it, none of us would knock back a 10am sleep...


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