
August bucket list


I intended to start a monthly bucket list back when I started maternity leave but somehow just never got around to it so here goes now...

1. Be adventurous and rather than stick to what I know, try out some new eateries around the place ... On my list are Wazen and the Sidewalk Cafe in West Burleigh. Any other good Gold Coast suggestions?

2. Continue to master the art of using my Thermomix to eat better, serve healthier meals to my boys and experiment more with our meals. 

3. To have a date night with S. 

4. Get a haircut and colour!

5. Do another wardrobe and house cull and eBay or Gumtree the clutter. I know there are cupboards and drawers all around our house full of junk we really don't need. My wardrobe is bursting and badly needs to be sorted again as I get palpitations every time I walk in there!

6. Commit to concentrating on toilet training with E. He is showing good progress and awareness at the moment but we have a long way to go and this is one of those parenting things I feel a little bit lost at (I know, I was shocked too). I have bought up big on some aides that should arrive soon and might post on those separately if anyone is interested?

7. Finish both boys baby books ... Or at least get them up to date.

8. Complete at least 2 power walks a week for the whole month... and back it up with some healthy eating.

9. Make it out to dinner child-free with a girlfriend.

10. Survive having S home for 2 weeks in an invalid state following surgery.... Without it ending in divorce or worse.

11. Organise a monthly family dinner out for an early Sunday evening with all my siblings, nieces etc as we all had so much fun when I threw one together last month. Not sure the restaurant and other diners enjoyed it as much as we did but that's why we stick to family friendly venues.

12. Start wearing more of my wardrobe and not the same old pieces every other day.

What's on your bucket list this month?

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