2 under 2

What we've been up to

In between toddler meltdowns over here, we actually doing really well. C is the best little night time sleeper and has great day sleeps given half a chance if E keeps his cool and minimises the screaming, floor bouncing and tears when something doesn't go his way. E is loving kinder gym and the one on one date with me is definitely helping...


2 boys

Christmas shopping

Little early to be posting about Christmas you say? Not really given it's less than 22 weeks away until Christmas Eve and the toy sales are already well underway if not almost over. If you're a long time reader here, you also know that I'm big on lists and organisations so I like to get a jump on Christmas and add slowly over...


2 under 2

I confess...

My ongoing confessions to a not so perfect life: I can't whistle, cartwheel or hula hoop. I'm as uncoordinated as they come in this regard.I don't do floors ... As in I give them the occasional vacuum but never wash them. It's S' inside job and as I tell him, he wields that steam mop so much better than I do.I can't stand pumpkin!...




I have officially discovered one of the easiest Thermomix dinners to prepare during 'arsenic' hour with a screeching overtired toddler at your feet and a cranky baby strapped to you in the baby bjorn! Honey soy sesame chicken ... and yes, it is delicious! So much so that even the toddler ate a few mouthfuls - which is a huge win here if...


2 boys

What we've been up to

Time stops for no one and over here it is racing away from us. As usual, we've been busy here having lots of fun. Last year we had a three park pass for Seaworld, Movieworld and Wet'n Wild. The passes are great value and we sure got our money's worth taking E a few times a month for a play, ride or even...


2 boys

Monthly update: 2 month old Charley Bear

Age:  2 months old! Sometimes you feel like you e been here forever, some days you're still my little newborn. Stats:  Huge! Since your hospital stay, you have thrived and at your 6w immunisations you were 5.6kg and over 60cm! Clothes:  Already in 000 I suspect you will be in 00 sooner than later if you keep growing at a rate of knots. Favorite...


2 under 2


I'll say it again, I'm not sure how we ever lived without our thermomix! We are still using it everyday if not several times a day and much of that is because I meal plan around it each week. Some of our favourite Thermie dinners lately have been: Meat pie from the EDC - this is simple, tasty and definitely comfort food for...


2 under 2

Toddler entertainment

We've been pretty busy here since Es big birthday party both recovering and keeping up with the social calendar. It wouldn't be a good week without our usual Rhyme Time at the local library of course, swimming lessons for E and play dates with the cousins but on top of that, we managed to get to some fun and special events also.  S works...


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