
What we've been up to


In between toddler meltdowns over here, we actually doing really well. C is the best little night time sleeper and has great day sleeps given half a chance if E keeps his cool and minimises the screaming, floor bouncing and tears when something doesn't go his way.

E is loving kinder gym and the one on one date with me is definitely helping to build him up and reassure him of my love and attention. He is also obsessed with Cars and Planes so anything 'Lightning 'queen' or 'Dusty 'Cophop' is feeling the love in our house. Made buying his Christmas presents easy and it means we are getting a break from watching and reading Toy Story over and over.

These 2 pics in his Dusty onesie are two of my all time faves - what a poser!

And in the Cars raincoat he hasn't taken off since my mum gave it to him.

We are having lots of fun too with pretend play and especially the B.Toys Doctor kit he got from his cousin for his birthday. He wanders around with the pieces, using them to check me, daddy or C and then exclaiming 'fixed' when done with a firm nod. His bedside manner leaves a little to be desired for and he thinks the plastic tweezers are 'to get the boogas' but really, he's on par with some GPs I've seen and his wait times are much better.

We've been making the most of the winter sun (if you can call it winter on the (Gold Coast) with time in the sandpit, jumping on the trampoline (good reminder to practise those pelvic floors) and drawing on the fence. Of course E can't do any of this on his own and many a tantrum ensues from 'mummmmmeeee doooo it!!!' Which is sometimes impractical, like when I'm holding Charlie and E wants to bounce.

More weekend park dates and 'cinos with my sister and littlest niece also keep us busy and stop E and I going stir crazy while S is at work.

And much to Es delight (and mine), we rounded out our week with a family dinner (minus mum who was working) at the newly opened Hooters restaurant on the Gold Coast. Not fine dining but it really is a family friendly restaurant and their chicken wings truly are superior to anything else available around. They happily seated 11 of us (pre-booked) and while there were no high chairs, the manager pre warned me of this (still waiting on delivery) so we came prepared. The food was tasty and our service was good although we kept getting brought meals that weren't ours after we had been served correctly. The munchkins were all on their best behaviour which was probably because they had each other for entertainment and all was going well until I felt a wet patch on my leg... Yep, C had a leaky nappy and not just wet. It came through front and back on him so cue me racing from the restaurant holding him under the arms aloft to the car to strip him and give him a sponge bath in the back. Dining with a newborn, the joys.

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  1. hahahha why do they always do that when out? never at home.


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