


I have officially discovered one of the easiest Thermomix dinners to prepare during 'arsenic' hour with a screeching overtired toddler at your feet and a cranky baby strapped to you in the baby bjorn!

Honey soy sesame chicken ... and yes, it is delicious! So much so that even the toddler ate a few mouthfuls - which is a huge win here if you have been following along for a while and know about E's hunger strike.

You literally throw in a garlic clove and piece of ginger, blitz.
Add some olive oil & sauté for 2 minutes.
Add chicken and sauté for another 2 minutes.
Toss in soy sauce, honey, cornflour and water and cook for 15 minutes.

Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds and serve with rice  and some greens - microwave of course (or a pre-cooked sachet) and you're done. Even the husband was impressed to walk in to dinner on the table and praised me for the effort... I may have omitted the ease of the recipe to him.

I also managed to whip up a batch of fresh baked roasted almond and choc chip cookies during nap time (yes, my one saving grace for my sanity is I can usually get both boys down to sleep at the same time) and sensibly gave half of them to my dad to enjoy and popped half the dough in the freezer for those days when the cupboard is bare and someone pops in.

Any other recipes this easy that other Thermomixers can share with me?

FYI - I did not leave the boys napping together like that, I put C in his bassinet after the photo.

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  1. I likey! Am gonna try this at home tonight. I always do a steamed fish(lime,chilli/ginger,fish sauce,sesame oil marinade) and green veg (asparagus, kale, bak choi) with rice in the steaming basket as my fool proof quick and fuss free dinner.

  2. Hope you find it as easy ��

  3. Perth Shoegirl18 July 2014 at 23:24

    Steamed fish in the Varoma, 8 minutes, too easy! Chorizo and capsicum risotto is another favourite. Google lemon and coconut brownies (blondies?) for Thermomix, best ever, xx.


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