2 under 2

Reality sets in

I've been quiet here as we've been busy finding our way ... Ok no, I've just been busy getting out and about to the park, the shops and all sorts of fun places while S has been off work. But reality set in today as S went back to work and I was on my own with two boys and a heavy schedule...


2 under 2

Charlie's birth story

Ethan's birth came about unexpectedly with a surprise induction after an OB checkup that morning due to the onset of pre eclampsia. Despite its surprise, S and I were both ready and confident for a natural birth experience thanks to our Calmbirth classes. If anything, we were excited. Fast forward 24 hours later and we had the drug free natural experience we were...


baby two

Second time around post partum must haves

These are a few of the things that have made my life a little easier the second time around so far and with having two under two on the go. Probably not necessities in a lot of people's books, they have certainly been useful in my recovery, getting out and about and in looking after the boys... Uniden twin digital video monitor -...


2 under 2

Monthly update: 23 months

Stats & clothes:  Size 2 and finally it's cold enough to break out his winter wardrobe although not quite the puffers and vests yet. It is however already time for another pair of shoes! Favorite Foods: Food is not as popular here lately as of once was with many meals being a battle of stamina before he tries to swandive from his chair. We...


2 under 2

Life with 2 under 2

Thank you so much for your messages, congratulations and well wishes on our little guy!! Life one week on from the arrival of C and we seem to have settled into a comfortable routine of sorts. C is a great sleeper and we've figured out that if I wake him and feed him at 6:30am, I can pop him straight back in bed which...



Pregnancy update: 39 weeks

It's a BOY! I am so excited to introduce the newest perfect addition to our family, Charles Mark aka Charlie. Born by scheduled c-section on Friday, our little guy was a whole pound heavier and 1.5cm shorter than E but otherwise his twin. The c-section was a surreal experience and it's recovery while uncomfortable is bearable and no worse than a third degree...


birth options

The delivery and nearing arrival of B2

After lots of discussion, careful consideration and consultation with specialists and with friends, we have decided to follow the recommendation to have B2 delivered by c-section. While I don't recall E's birth as being quite the traumatic event I'm told it was (could be that I was out of my mind with the exertion of labour and no epidural), I have become quite...




So I've been slow to update on the Thermomix but after a couple of weeks/months, I am even more in love with my TMX ... and so is S! I've noticed a grocery saving of around $50 a fortnight (we've always had a pretty low bill thanks to meal planning) but more importantly, a massive cut in wastage of fresh produce and a...


baby on the way

Life is good

And it's set to get even better before the week is over. As I sit here, my precious boy is sleeping, B2 is kicking up a storm and S is whipping up a chicken satay in the thermie. With our little family going from 3 to 4 by Friday at the latest, I am reflecting on how good life is and how lucky...


38 weeks

Pregnancy update: 38 weeks

Apologies for lack of picture updates ... We don't have a full length mirror at home and I can rarely coordinate with S to remember to have him take one. Will try to update this post with a pic tonight.How far along? 38 weeks ... Baby is very very close to making its arrival.Maternity clothes? No, I really have been lucky to get maximum wear...


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