
My Christmas Playlist

This is the playlist I have had going since well before the 1st December ...  when the boys aren't giving the classic Disney Carols a workout (think old favourites like Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, 12 days of Christmas, Frosty the Snowman and Sleigh Ride complete with Scrooge McDuck). Christmas (Baby please come home) - Human Nature Its Beginning to Look a lot Like...


advent adventures

Elf on the Shelf - the adventures of Buddy

Buddy, totally original right? But S loves Will Ferrell and the movie Elf so my suggestion of Twinkle got overridden pretty quickly. We introduced Buddy last year when E was just 2 and lets just say, it was a good idea to start while he was young and not really all over it because it taught us we'd better lift our game for...


2 boys under 3

Confessions of a shopaholic

I know Christmas is only around the corner and I shouldn't be shopping for myself at all but I've had some great buys lately and they're all pretty basic staple pieces or necessities that I got for a steal -  still, don't tell my husband. Rag & Bone boyfriend jeans - I'm obsessed with Rag & Bone denim lately and these jeans are...


2 boys

Gift Guide for Educators

I love gift giving - you've heard me say it a million times - and my boys' daycare educators definitely deserve a special gift (and a million dollars) to say thank you for the care and patience they take. We take them morning tea for World Teacher's Day and Lindt chocolates for Easter and while I know they get paid to look after...


2 boys


Its been ages since I've waxed lyrical about how much I love my Thermomix and what a game changer it is - c'mon, I know you've missed my thermo-mixing ha ha - so here goes: S was in Europe a few weeks ago for 10 days - lucky guy - and left me to fend for myself with the two tiny terrors underfoot....


2 boys

Gift guide for him

Scott's birthday is just 10 days before Christmas but I always make sure he gets separate gifts and not just them all lumped together as joint presents ... having grown up with a few friends on the 21st (2) and 23rd (2 also) December, I know this is a massive peeve of December babes.  As he rarely splurges on himself during the year,...



Christmas gift guide for the nieces & nephew

With 3 nieces and a nephew to shop for this year, plus my boys, I like to get a jump on Christmas nice and early. I wasn't quite as organised as last year but not too far off schedule and definitely done before December - got to be happy with that. My nieces are 2.5, 3 and 3.5 so mostly at the same...


2 boys

I confess ...

My ongoing confessions to a not so perfect life: I don't blow dry my hair ... ever! Ain't no one got time for that with 2 little boys to get out the door ... make that 3 (the husband). Plus I have no idea how to other than wave the dryer around in my hair. The only time my hair ever gets a...



Kindergarten, prep, school ... its all coming around so quickly

Our big boy E was born in late June and at just on 3, we have already submitted applications for Prep (months ago) and have finalised kindergarten offers for next year ... you read right, applications over 18 months in advance! This is cutting it pretty fine in comparison to some of the prestigious Sydney schools that require you to enroll at conception to be...


2 boys

Lies I tell myself

Edition 1 ... we all tell ourselves white lies most days right? If I buy something on eBay, I 'won' it therefore its as good as free. And I wonder why S wouldn't let me go to auctions when we were house hunting. When the 3 year old is playing on/watching the ipad, he's actually learning and even, 'getting school ready' and watching...


2 boys

Birthday wishlist

Its definitely a wish list that aptly reflects my #mumlife ... practical realistic items that I actually need and will wear regularly - unlike the red Sheike gown I bought last week because the price was too good to pass despite having no future gala or occasion requiring it. When did I become so sneaker obsessed?! Who am I? Loving the Nike women's...


2 under 3

Wardrobe organisation - children

This may be a boring post to some so feel free to skip past, I won't be offended but it might just help other mummas out there... wardrobe organisation and keeping on top of it is a near fulltime job it seems given babies/toddlers need a new wardrobe every 2-3 months (or more) in those early years. First things first, if you are...


2 boys

I confess ...

My ongoing confessions to a not so perfect life: I love Wednesday nights! S is at soccer and if I get the boys down early, I have the lounge to myself, total control of the remotes and netflix and I don't have to make conversation. Dinner is also optional and ice cream or popcorn are totally acceptable. I am hanging out for October...


2 boys

Keeping on top of life ... with children

Working fulltime with 2 children under 3 means I have to be super organised, even to just keep my sanity and stay on top of the basics. I should preface this post by sharing that my boys only go to DC two days a week for the toddler and 1 day for my baby/almost toddler (I'm in denial) while the other days my husband is home,...


2 boys

Wishing and dreaming and hoping ...

I may have already knocked a couple of items off the wish list and into my home already ... both were do or die though and haste was required. The rest are destined to float around until my birthday (September) or maybe Christmas if I manage to keep my wife halo shiny till December - not looking good but that's another story ha...


2 boys

I confess...

My ongoing confessions to a not so perfect life: I have no patience... none whatsoever. This is severely tested being a mother and I am good at managing it towards the boys but ours house renovations are killing me. I can see the end result, the final product and I want it now! But money and time amongst other factors are keeping the brakes...


2 boys

Parenting a second child

One year two months in and I can safely say, it gets easier every day... Its such a shift from the first where your whole World revolves around them literally from confirmation of conception if not before. You sign up for weekly apps and emails that tell you what size nut fruit or seed baby is this week. You read every pregnancy book and endlessly...


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