
Second time around shopping list


So there's not much I need to buy this time around (S is very pleased about this) ... mostly because a) we aren't finding out the sex b) we can use most of the items we bought for E and c) I don't have the time to pore over lists and do endless research on a million bits we don't need but I want anyway.

These are a few items we will definitely be buying (or may have already bought) this time around however:

Untitled #13

The Bugaboo Donkey duo
We have loved our Cameleon since day 1 even if Ethan hasn't so it makes sense that we upgrade to the double version. Ethan doesn't love the pram at the best of times however he will be 22 months or thereabouts when B2 is born and as a friend with 2 and the Donkey summed up for me, 'it's a long time before kids are able to walk longer distances at a reasonable speed and safely.' I love that the Donkey gives me the option of mono mode, taking it out for short trips with E walking, B2 in pram and carrier in the basket so when E gets tired, B2 goes in the carrier and E in the pram. Obviously there is duo mode for longer days, walking/exercise, shopping etc and sitting side by side, they will be able to interact and amuse each other - E goes well in my mum's double stroller with his cousin. I will also be able to sell our Cammie for a good price to go towards the expense of a new pram and it helps  I negotiated a fantastic price at Baby Bunting - even the staff were in shock - so even S was pleased with the purchase in the end.

The new limited release Andy Warhol Happy Bugs canopy
I desperately wanted the Cammie Missoni hood but was a bit late on the release plus worried for too long that it was a bit girly for E. I procrastinated so long of course prices skyrocketed and I gave up. I have liked some of the Bugaboo partnerships but not enough to race out and buy so I was very pleased when I heard about the latest Andy Warhol collaboration. I  love both the Happy Bugs and the Starry Night but as the Starry Night is only for the Cameleon, I will settle for just the Bugs and I'm very happy to say I have my set on pre-order!

Big boy bed for Ethan
Ethan hates his cot and pretty much has since day one whether for day or night sleeps ... although he happily plays in there after bath time ??? I think the longest sleeping stretch in there has been 5 hours max if that. It makes sense in this case to buy him a big boy bed rather than convert it to the toddler bed option and buy another cot. I'm thinking a low single or king single with a safety rail would suit well - any advice or recommendations here?

Boon grass/lawn drying rack
I'm a recent convert to the Boon feeding range, having discovered it a few months ago. We love their plate, bowl, sippy and cutlery but I  sadly had no need of the lawn till now. I never liked mixing Ethan's pacifiers/feeding pieces up with our dishes or having them sit in the rack or steriliser or putting them away damp so this negates the need for any of that and better yet, it looks great on the bench top too. Win!

Summer Infant Swaddle Pods, Ergo Pouches, Love to Dream, Woombies
We are starting with these zip pouches from the beginning ... just like I wanted to last time but was derailed by S until E was 4 months old. I am a hopeless swaddler - babies always escape for me - so I plan to rely on these zip suits from day dot. I may have already bought 2 newborn ones (Swaddle Pods on sale 50% off at Toys R us for $15) to add to my 2 from E and the 2 or so my sis has to lend me. These really helped E settle for naps and were a great sleep association when we finally did start using them so I'm hoping B2 will be a fan.

Gro clock for Ethan
The Gro-Clock uses images of the stars and sun to communicate when to go back to sleep and when it's time to get up. It helps to encourage children to stay in bed longer so is a great sleep training and learning clock. We have night-weaned Ethan and finally transitioned him from co-sleeping to a single mattress in our room. The plan is to move him back into his own room early in the new year (sooner if he is showing signs he is ready) and into his single bed. With this in mind, we will start using the Gro Clock then to add to his bed time routine and to try and keep him in bed a little longer in the mornings.

Sling/Hugabub wrap/Carriers
I only used a Baby Bjorn with E as it was a baby shower gift so I didn't research any other options. I had no problems with the BB and we used it from around 6 weeks till E was 13 months or so. My only complaints would be that he grew out of it too fast in comparison to other carriers like the Ergo and it didn't provide a lot of support for the wearer so couldn't be used all day. My sister used a sling in the early days with my niece and I will definitely borrow it this time around rather than use the BB so early but from there, I think we might be best to invest in another carrier that provides better support than the BB. A few suggestions have been the Plikko, Manducca, Hugabub wrap and the Beco Gemini so I'm looking into each of these and will have to drag S around and test them out with E.

What else do I need for B2? I might have to look up some of those nursery essentials lists at some stage.

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  1. We never found out what we were having for our first baby but god help me there is no way I could wait to find out the sex if I was pregnant with our second right now.

    I used a hubbub wrap with my bubs i loved it but you shouldnt use once bubs is over around 8kgs it stretches too much and gets very diggy on the shoulders. Some people find it hard to get a newborns positioning right in a sling when they are little just follow the TICKS guidelines and you will be fine.
    I have an ergo as well which is great but I have been told the manduca is cooler especially with the inbuilt infant insert.
    Tula make a carrier which you can convert into a toddler carrier
    www.nurturenest.com.au has a great range of carriers as does pixiemama.com.au both owners nikki and jane are happy to answer any babywearing questions

    1. Thank you for the advice.
      I had heard that about the hugabub and that its a PITA to put on/off when out.
      Will add Tula to my list to compare with the Ergo.

  2. Been thinking what I will do different etc... This time too! Carrier is one and rocker/bouncer is the other (& seeing as we borrowed the rocker for B1 happy to buy a new one)
    I seriously can't think if anything else though! Same situation with the carrier but will be loaning a Beko Gemini and a sling!
    I'm now 23.5 weeks and have a small bag of a few clothes I've bought plus some gifts but nothing else! I'd placed the order for the whole shebang by 17 weeks!

    1. I know, its crazy how little you have to buy or are interested in buying this time around. That might be different for me if we knew the sex though :)


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