
A little sooner than expected but exciting nonetheless...


I'm very excited to share that Ethan is going to be a big brother sooner than later 
and we are embarking on a crazy journey of having two under two.

I have lots of posts I've been preparing to share on what I'm buying for B2 and for E 
and how this pregnancy is already world's apart from my last.

I hope you enjoy sharing this journey with me and if you have any advice or 'best practice' 
for coping with two, please please please share!!!

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  1. Woo Hoo! So excited you can finally share! Looking forward to what you have to say as I'm still a little unsure of the whole thing and I'll have a 2.5 year gap!

    1. Ha ha thanks Sammie ... I know, so glad to be able to share - one of the main reasons I wanted to do the fb announcement :) Ha ha we can fumble together & looking forward to your words of wisdom in the early days. xx

  2. What a clever picture to announce it with! Congratulations! It'll be nice to have the two of them so grow up with such a small age gap. It's going to be great for their relationship.

    1. Thank you lovely - I sure hope so. A challenge ahead but lots of fun too I'm sure x

  3. Wowwweee! Congratulations! I'll be just a few months ahead of you with the 2 under 2 thing, so we'll see if I survive it first ;-)

    1. Thanks Kacie :)
      I will definitely be checking in on your blog for tips and advice in just a few weeks I'm sure xx


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