
The weekend that was


If you lived in Queensland or NSW, you were lucky enough to enjoy a long weekend like us and here, the weather was perfection for the most part.

We did lots of swimming, ate healthy lunches on the go, had a Japanese lunch date with my sister and niece, celebrated the Roosters' grand final win with a party at my parents' (thank goodness as the alternative would have devastated my dad and sister), visited Wet'n Wild,


ate lots of frozen fruit - my new addiction ... and a few ice creams, and caught up with wonderful friends and their children.

As always, the weekend goes far too fast, even with an extra day but the plus side, its a short week!

I also did some shopping, kitting out Ethan's summer wardrobe with some new shoes, funky new tees and shorts - Scott of course is a big fan of the Atari inspired Space Invaders tee. Best part, everything was at least 50% off. Although I'm on a bit of a ban, I snapped up this gorgeous Charlie Brown 'Masai' print wrap dress for me as well. The print and colours are so beautiful in real life and this dress will be ideal for work or play I figure.

I discovered a new TV series, The Blacklist, and I'm hooked. Got to love James Spader in pretty much anything but throw in some secret agent FBI mystery, a reasonably entertaining plot and I'm happy. The only problem is, we're too used to having a series available all at once but this one only has 2 eps so far and a week is a long wait!

We also made a big purchase yesterday morning but more on that another time :)

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  1. Love long weekends! At least we have Melb Cup coming up down here soon. Interested to hear more about this big purchase ;-)


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