2nd birth

Birth Options

I had a meeting with my Obstetrician this week to discuss birthing options. I hadn't realised there would be options to discuss this time around and just assumed B2 would be born by an attempted vaginal birth just like E with Caesarian a possibility if complications arose. Turns out I don't know as much as I like to think I do and that...


20 months

Little Kickers for Little Kids

Being of English background and born in the United Kingdom, S grew up playing real football (soccer for us Australians) from a young age and was/is surrounded by football fanatics - his grandfather even played professionally for the QP Rangers. His family team going back a million generations is Manchester United and he's even got me interested in and backing the sport. So...


20 months

Monthly update: 20 months

Age:  20 Months ... yes, you read that right ... my baby is 4 months off turning 2 and only around 2 months off becoming a big brother. Time waits for no one but sometimes I wish it would slow the heck down so I can take in more, store up more beautiful moments with my boy and just have him at this...


28 weeks

Pregnancy update: 28 weeks

How far along? 28 weeks ... the 3rd trimester is almost here!. Maternity clothes? Still just wearing parts of my regular wardrobe on high rotation. I'm not anti-maternity wear by any stretch but I just haven't had the occasion to require specific maternity wear with my parts of existing wardrobe covering the need quite adequately if boringly. I'd rather save the money to splurge on...


baby 2

Nursery ideas for B2 - boy

If B2 turns out to be another boy, it will make decorating pretty straight forward in that I will just use all of Ethan's original nursery fabrics and furniture. Boring yes but practical given he never slept in his room or cot so both the bedding and cot are as new and it seems silly in that case to go all out with...



I confess...

An update in my series to prove bloggers, instagrammers, facebook users, tweeters ... have less than perfect lives despite accusations of only sharing the perfect moments of their lives. Here goes with my ongoing confessions to a not so perfect life: I take a longer shower than necessary some mornings just to stretch out the blissful 5 minutes when I don't have to...


27 weeks

Pregnancy update: 27 weeks

How far along? 27 weeks ... the 3rd trimester is almost here!. Maternity clothes? Still none, just getting lots of wear out of stretchy clothes right now but getting sick of the rapidly reducing options. Stretchmarks? none thus far so still lathering with my Mothercare stretchmark cream - helps that it smells amazing..Symptoms: that twitchy right eyelid I spoke about is sticking around with a vengeance...



Daily beauty routine & my must haves

My daily beauty routine is pretty basic ... in fact my special occasion beauty routine is not much different either. With a toddler underfoot, a pressing need for maximising sleep (B2), a husband to organise and get off to work not to mention getting myself out the door and on time, I tossed out my 10+ step product routine long ago and keep...


breast feeding

Stay at Home Mumma Wardrobe - Autumn to Winter

Jumping ahead of myself a little given its still Summer here but given I'm facing a year off work on maternity leave, I've shelved most of my corporate wear - let's face it, Cue pencil dresses aren't bump friendly - and am starting to plan my wardrobe as a stay at home mum in just 9 weeks time ... before b2 arrives otherwise...


baby names

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet ... Really?

As you know, B2's sex is a surprise - my restraint and resolve in this regard is nothing short of unbelievable as no one thought I would last and honestly, nor did I. This means we need to come up with a short list for girl and boy baby names... Oh what fun! For those that gave done the baby name discussion with...



Valentines Day 2014

Valentines Day has never really been a big deal in our home ... we always exchange small gifts and Scott always buys me roses but that's about it. This year is different however in that I have committed myself to making every holiday a fun one for E (and subsequently us) in 2014 and beyond so with that in mind, Valentines Day is...


26 weeks

Pregnancy update: 26 weeks

How far along? 26 weeks ... I'll be on mat leave before I know it at this rate. Maternity clothes? Nada ... Still sticking to my stretchy waisted Country Road pieces. Stretchmarks? No.Symptoms: annoyingly I seem to have developed a twitchy right eyelid ... apparently common in pregnancy due to stress and fatigue. The Braxton Hicks too are ever present as is the shortness of breath...



E the big brother

As B2s arrival draws ever closer - I will be on maternity leave in approximately 10 weeks - I am starting to give a lot of thought to the enormous changes ahead for Ethan, how they will affect him and what Scott and I can do to prepare him and make the whole process as easy as possible on him. Being very much...


baby on the way

A weekday in the life of ...

Having a 19 month old and two adults who work fulltime, routine and schedule are key to everyone's happiness. Even a few minutes off schedule can throw the start of our day into chaos and have S and I both heading to work stressed, bad tempered and exhausted before we even begin. I like to know other's routines as I'm constantly adjusting ours...


25 weeks

Pregnancy Update: 25 weeks

How far along? 25 weeks ... and counting down.  Maternity clothes? not this week but I'm starting to get sick of some of the outfits I have on rotation so I clearly either need to go shopping or the seasons need to hurry up and change so I can wheel out some of my cooler weather gear for a change.. Stretchmarks? still absent thankfully although...


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