33 weeks

Pregnancy Update: 33 weeks

How far along? 33 weeks ... only 2.5 weeks till maternity leave starts and 5-6 weeks before we meet B2! S actually had a mini freak out earlier in the week exclaiming we hadn't done anything to get ready for the baby and its all snuck up on him. Cue laughter from me and the reassurance that all we have to do is put...



Baby monitors - video or no

When preparing for E's arrival, we bought an Avent DECT monitor and figured we'd bypass the need for video given we had the Oricom Babysense breathing mats for peace of mind. Fast forward to E's arrival and a few months later, us seeing the value in a video monitor to save us constantly checking up on him while napping. We bought the Oricom...


21 months

Monthly update: 21 months

Age:  21 Months ... and in 1 month (or less) my baby will be a big brother! Stats:  No weighing or measuring this month but I suspect we have been through a growth spurt as the crotch on some of his shorts no longer seem deep enough..  Clothes:  Size 2 for tops, a size 6! for shoes and anywhere from a 1 to...


32 weeks

Pregnancy update: 32 weeks

How far along? 32 weeks ... Boy, girl? Arghhhh its killing me! I'm feeling so disorganised as I have 2 enormous boxes of newborn clothes - one pink, one blue - and I don't know which to unpack so they are just sitting in the nursery awaiting D-Day. Maternity clothes? Nope still just the usual pieces on high rotation. Pic below features seamless black...



I confess...

A continuation in my series to prove bloggers, instagrammers, facebook users, tweeters ... have less than perfect lives. Here goes with my ongoing confessions to a not so perfect life: I wore thongs to work today... I put them on to walk into the garage to get something and good old baby brain led me to pulling up at work, looking down and...



Our favourite books

We started reading to E from the day we bought him home and it has definitely helped instill a love of books for him. Now he will often go pull a book off the shelf to read on his own or bring to me, climb into my lap and start turning the pages. I try to make sure we read at least one...


baby on the way

Coping with Toddler Tantrums

''Reasons my child is crying' only a few weeks ago could be related to any or all of the following reasons: his sippy cup was empty there were dried apricots in his sultanas his daddy looked at him I picked up the wrong bedtime story to read I opened his cheese stick at the wrong end I wouldn't let him throw his toys...


31 weeks

Pregnancy update: 31 weeks

How far along? 31 weeks ... I'm now hanging out to know if we are having a boy or a girl! I still can't believe I've managed to last this long without giving in. Maternity clothes? normal regular wardrobe is still making do and I'm reluctant to buy any maternity wear this far along as most of it isn't then nursing friendly so would be...


birth plan

Hospital bags (yes, bagsss)

So first time round, I had 3 bags for hospital and before you scoff, 3 bags makes perfect sense if you think about it ... my bag, a baby bag and a labour bag. In my mind there is no point lugging all your stay gear to the birthing suite and then have poor husband rummaging through everything trying to find a single...




Wanting The new Mary Higgins Clark book, 'I've got you under my skin'. My favourite author, I can never put her books down but the only problem is, there is too long between books for my liking. Brown knee high flat boots. I found the perfect black pair for Winter (for a ridiculous sale price on The Iconic) but unfortunately the brown was...


additive free


So to be entirely truthful, I was still not one hundred percent sold on the Thermie when it arrived - worrying given the cost but my mum was so enthusiastic on hers that I figured I'd fall in love eventually. Fast forward a few days and I am head over heels! Everyone needs to have a Thermomix now in my mind. So when...


30 weeks

Pregnancy update: 30 weeks

How far along? 30 weeks ... we spent the weekend trying to get our heads around the fact we will have a newborn in around 8 weeks! Time really has flown for the most part this pregnancy and I guess a lot of that is because I have E as my main focus rather than the pegnancy itself ... chasing a toddler doesn't leave...


baby 2

Countdown to do list before B2 arrives

Time is ticking down and there is still so much to do before B2 arrives! I kind of hate that the whole nursery and any decorating decisions are on hold until B2 arrives as we don't know the sex but E never slept in his nursery or spent much time in there so I guess it really doesn't matter in the scheme of...



Happy Anniversary

It's our third wedding anniversary today and in true romantic style, S has gone above and beyond with a gift to commemorate it.... He agreed to the purchase of a Thermomix! I know, it doesn't get much better than that and to say I'm excited is an understatement. Enough to make up for the fact that I'm home watching The Block with a...


28 weeks

Pregnancy update: 29 weeks

How far along? 29 weeks ... the 3rd trimester is really here and the end is so close.Maternity clothes? My Isabella Oliver wrap tee arrived last week and I finally hot to wear it! Love if and would buy more if it was nursing friendly. I paired it with my JW mat jeans which I am now sure I hate - I cannot stand...


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