baby on the way

Catching up

So I've officially been on maternity leave for a week and a half now. I've enjoyed a lovely Easter break with family, observed Anzac Day complete with attending a dawn service with my dad and of course all the fun parts of being a stay at home mummy including rhyme time at the local library, swimming lessons, milkshake dates and baking. I've also...


22 months

Monthly update: 22 months

Stats & clothes:  He is in size 2 but we are still squeezing the most out of some of his 12-18m tees thanks to an unseasonably warm snap we are having. Hurry up cold! I have gorgeous puffer vests, knits and button downs waiting to be worn. Favorite Foods:  We are all about bikkies this month so luckily I've discovered mini natural gingerbread...


37 weeks

Pregnancy update: 37 weeks

How far along? 37 weeks ... Baby is full term. Maternity clothes? No and life is a bit easier as I don't have to worry about dressing for work everyday at least so kookai singlets, CR shirred waist shorts, maxi skirts and dresses are my daily getup.. Stretchmarks? None (touch wood) and I gather it has a lot to do with genes so I owe my...


35 weeks

Pregnancy update: 36 weeks

How far along? 36 weeks ... And I'm officially on mat leave! Hooray for some time out before our world gets turned upside down in the most amazing way. Maternity clothes? No but I'm so ready to choose from a wider range of my wardrobe and for some cooler weather so I can break out some new styles. Stretchmarks? Still no sign touch wood.Symptoms: lots...


baby on the way

I confess...

My ongoing confessions to a not so perfect life: I was so tempted to find out the sex of B2 at my last scan and keep it a secret ... but then I thought better of it and reminded myself that I wanted the surprise, not S so it was a pretty stupid thing to do. E watched Toy Story 3 twice, back...


daily life with a toddler

Tips for 2 under 2

Organisation will be key now more than ever I imagine with two little people to care for in our home and lucky for me, organisation is one of my stronger traits. I've been doing some reading (of course) and feeding/nursing times for baby continue to come up as a key topic where issues can arise. Apparently its the ideal time for the toddler...


about me

Sydney Shop Girl's tag ...

I was asked by one of my favourite bloggers – the famous SSG of Sydney Shop Girl – to participate in the 2014 edition of The Tag.   I’m a big fan of time wasting aka filling in questionnaires like this and like SSG, I find it soothing to allow my mind to wander and think up the answers to the questions. I love...


baby on the way

Loving two children

B2's arrival is getting closer and closer with everyday ... heck, I thought baby was going to make its arrival over the weekend with all the niggles and apparent 'early' labour signs I seemed to be undergoing. As the days pass, I worry sometimes about the arrival of B2 and if I will love this baby as much as I love E. I...


35 weeks

Pregnancy update: 35 weeks

How far along? 35 weeks ... Where the heck has time even gone? I'd hate to think how fast any subsequent pregnancy would pass if we were planning any more. Maternity clothes? I'm proof you don't have to buy mat wear to survive pregnancy comfortably ... But I only seem to grow in the belly and I just can't get into ASOS like the rest...



The Husband Survey

I posted this years ago on my old blog and thought it would be funny to do it again now, a few years into marriage... How long have you been together: heading into 6 years How old is he? closer to 40 than 30 now... he is 38, turning 39 in December Who said I love you first? He did, he's the romantic...



Shopping round-up

Aldi had children's books for $5 this week and titles included Graeme Base hardcovers, Disney hardcovers, Margaret Wise Brown hardcovers, Willibee the Bumblebee (by the Wonky Donkey writer) and lots of Scholastic books like Dear Zoo. We grabbed Animalia, Goodnight Little One, Willibee the Bumblebee and a couple of others to add to E's well documented library. Coles has Babylove nappypants at 50% so...


34 weeks

Pregnancy update: 34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks ... OMG I'm having a baby in a month give or take! Maternity clothes? Still avoiding and the way this heat has been, my JW mat jeans are not going to be needed at all - thankfully! Stretchmarks? Not so far touch wood.Symptoms: the heartburn! Omg it's killing me at the moment like you can't even imagine. Regular headaches seem to...


apples and bananas

Its show season

What a morning! I have spent literally hours online and phoning QPAC to secure The Lion King stage show tickets for my sister & I to give to mum for her birthday - lucky my boss wanted some tickets too so was happy for me to devote my energies to the pursuit. After literally 100 redials on my mobile and holding for over...


baby on the way


Its been a crazy time lately with my nesting instincts and control freak desires all conspiring to make me feel disorganised with an all consuming urge to clean, organise, declutter, prepare... you get the idea. That's fine of course but throw in full time work, a strong willed toddler and a husband who works weekends and you have a recipe for chaos right...



April and Easter are almost here

I can't believe how quickly Easter is coming up! We were originally going away for Easter with my parents, sister & her family and some friends but that was booked before we knew B2 was on the way and given its only a few weeks before my due date, we have decided it best to stay closer to home this year just in...


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